
Rewinding back to our school days, filled with fun and joy, where we grew up without much pressure about tomorrow. The one unpleasant phase of our school days would be the days of examinations.

I still remember the mornings of our board exam days. We had to move to another school near ours, where students from various other schools gathered.

The last few minutes before the examination depict a memorable scene that still flashes back in my mind. Students wearing different colored uniforms but sharing the same serious expressions. We rushed with anxiety, recalling what we had learned earlier, running here and there, raising dust like smoke, creating the effect of a battleground.

Suddenly, when the bell rang, the acceleration dropped to zero as we all entered the exam hall, leaving behind our study materials but carrying the anxiety within.

Now, it's again a remarkable moment where, for a minute, the exam hall turns into a prayer hall. Combined prayers are raised, with all of them sharing a common supplication: a better result.

Recently, in India, we had the Lok Sabha election. The election is one of the festivals in India, not confined to any particular religion. While the political parties host the celebration, the people become the deciders.

A few days before the actual day of the election results, a prediction of the results is broadcast in the media, known as exit polls. These exit poll results give a glimpse of the actual outcome, with the count of seats to be won by each party.

To everyone's surprise, in the 2024 Lok Sabha election, the predicted result was almost wrong, and there was a huge difference in the seat counts acquired by both the ruling and opposition parties. What went wrong in such an official national level prediction? No clue.

The reverse rush of students coming out of their exam halls depicts another scene, notably a group of students predicting their results based on their exam performance. This prediction would likely be forgotten on the actual day of the results.

Similarly, in our lives, we often make quick decisions before seeing the actual outcome. If condition one becomes true, we end up finalizing without letting the else part to execute.

We may grow weaker as we wait for a long time, and so, without witnessing the final outcome, we end up making decisions based solely on our wishes. Rushing to see the result before it's fully revealed can lead to regrets later. But remember, there is an actual result that is true, trustworthy, and timely.

The Bible in 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

Yes, the result written by God will be beautiful, remarkable, and beyond our understanding. Don’t stop at the halfway point, don’t rush before it’s revealed from above. Be patient and wait for everything to align with your purpose. Your design deserves more!


  1. Really a nice one. Keep it up!!

  2. Another Touching Chap..
    Surely patiently waiting on God's plan will payoff at perfect timing..
    God has twists when he writes our story. Also Don't forget, God has a better climax than what we have on mind for ourselves

    1. Thank God. Thanks for your feedback and thoughts added up to mine.

  3. Yes it's true. A result for everyone is written already by God, but we have to wait patiently to get it.


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