

Gardening is an art. Little blooms or an inch of growth, small sprouts mean a lot to those who are fond of gardening.

Indeed, the beauty of sparks of morning sunlight touching the soft velvet petals of the colourful flowers in the garden depicts the results of those little efforts laid by the gardener. It has often brightened my days.

However, gardening entails more than just beauty; it involves the behind-the-scenes actions that contribute to such colourful blooms. It includes potting, watering, fertilizing, proper placing, and most importantly, pruning.

The process of pruning is less noticed, but it plays a vital role in the growing of plants. Pruning is the action of removing certain weaker parts of plants that hinder growth by absorbing energy and wasting it. In other words, pruning stimulates faster growth.

Often e-commerce sites come up with stunning stock clearance sale ads that catch customers' attention. The main ideology behind stock clearance sales is to clear old inventory and make room for new, trendy collections.

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Mirroring the act of pruning in our real life, adds a lot. It's important to periodically prune weaker, damaging actions, thoughts, and behaviours that hinder our progress.

Just think about it. What are those behaviours that are damaging your identity? Find a weapon to prune it.

The Bible says in Hebrews 12:1 ....Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out of us.

Periodic pruning paves the path to powerful progress!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thankyou for your symbolic feedback. God bless you.

    2. This is a great lesson in our daily lives. I agree you totally because this is biblical (John 15) speaks of this, doesn’t he? Pruning makes the plant healthier and more productive.
      We should therefore, make use of the means of grace available for us to be pruned by the Holy Spirit! Prayer times - Devotions, Church Prayer Meetings, Personal Quiet Times etc; Bible reading/study; Sharing God’s Word with others, and Sharing our Testimony to others! These are strong machinery to prune our unwanted habits, thoughts, behaviours, likes and wants!
      God help me to always mirror my spiritual life with your Word that I may be fashioned and made in your likeness! Amen

    3. Thankyou so much for your time and the narrative thoughts on this blog. God bless you beloved brother.


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