

That was a day when all of the family members were gathered for a particular event. The house is filled with people of all ages. The voices of each group overwhelmed the other group, and that of kids ranked high. No secret place was left without people.

Though most of their conversations are in fact unproductive, they believed that they made their day. They had only a day left to disperse and so everyone wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.

All of a sudden, they could recognize a disgusting smell somewhere inside the house. It seemed to be the smell of smoke. Something is burning, that if unnoticed could lead to danger. Rushing towards the direction of the smell, they not found an electric heater that remained on for hours and it started burning. Thankfully it was spotted sooner than it would hoist an effect.

On a quick investigation, it was been revealed that someone forgot to switch it off and with heavy exposure to electricity the heater started to burn.

Thus the word 'forgot' is often connected in a negative sense. Sometimes we ought to forget our secret codes, sometimes our essentials or even the birthdates of beloved ones. Forgetting could be an excuse, a reason to escape and it may even lead to an irretrievable ending.

But what if forgetting turns out to be a factor to exalt, be thankful and cherish? Yes, when it is tilted it has another appealing side that comes with a reason to cherish and a treasure to hunt.

Let me brief it. All of us want to forget some bad moments, unexpected failures and untold inner-self that is less pleasant to express or made known.

Inevitably, the human brain doesn't have that delete option, so how it's made possible?
Possibly it can be achieved by a trigonometry theorem. Trigonometry is all about triangles; triangles are formed by three points.

The Bible says in Colossians 3:13, " Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave us".

That is true, as God had forgiven us we should also forget one another's transgressions and faults, thus forming a charismatic triangle with the formula of love. 

This is how the delete option is now added to the new version of you, Just press it and move on!

Forget what is to be Forgotten, Forgive and you will be Forgiven Forever.

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  1. You always have had so much that God has put inside of you. May God help you be consistent in your writing even in this invisible, seemingly insignificant but most important stage of process. I thank God for you.

  2. Besides Colossians 3:13 I would also add Philippians 3:13 that completes that triangle. Forgetting those things that are behind and pressing forward to the things that are before and in later verses it speaks of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    1. Dear,
      Thanks for your time and comments.
      Yes, forgetting the past and pressing towards the future is indeed a part of life towards success.

      I have written another blog on this very theme
      Link here -
      This may also helpful for you.

  3. I never thought 'to forget' is a good thing until I came across your blog Wisey. Thankyou for the enlightement.

  4. Very deep & beautiful thought. Forgetting the negative memories is a blessing from God 🙏


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