

Results are showcased, it may be an achievement, a gain or a completion. Often we are eager to know the results, sometimes we rush up to see it earlier than it actually happens.

In the long run for our ears to hear and our eyes to see the final outcome, there is a process.

Recently, the media aligned a camp in Himalayan Uttarakhand state where a group of miners got trapped in a collapsed tunnel. Several technical steps were taken to rescue them but the rat hole miners did the job. The process was not that easy as it took around 17 days to see a positive result.

The group of workers who were catching their breath had one option left. It was to believe the undergoing process outside. They patiently waited trusting the process and thus became a part of a good result in magazines and newspapers.

Process the key to the result is often less focused. We tend to rush to see the future result at present and thus miss the actual process we are in. This creates chaos and pressure that will not let us do well in the process that we are in now.

Sometimes even in good relationships, the missed focus on the process leads to misunderstanding. A deep understanding of the process builds patience to wait for better results.

An effective process has two phases, the elevated duration when things turn out positively and a phase of depletion when things are not as expected. It's important to focus on both.

When things are out of control, termination should be option two; instead, remember the progress you made while it was good. While things turn out correctly learn from it. Never repeat the mistake made before.

In addition 'Past' an inseparable aspect of our life often has an effect on the present process. This is always a hindrance for us to focus on the process.

Well, together as we are marking the end of 2023 and marching towards 2024, I encourage you to focus on the present process that you are in and not let the past failures, heartbreaks and traumas affect it.

The Bible binds this verse in Philippians 3:13-14

"Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forwards to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus"

So, Don't allow patterns of the past to press back the present pleasant process. Focus on the process for there is a final reward waiting for you.

Special Mention: Special Friend.

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