


An Imaginary Reflection Story

It is Kate who is writing this.

That was the darkest day, everything was black and blur. The darkness made the path invisible. Where will I go now? What will be my next move?

Ah! I am so confused, scared, and worried. It's as if I'm tightly tied up and I want to break free, but I can't as the rope is stronger than me.

It all began when I was fifteen when I formed a friendship with a guy who enticed me into a world of sin. I believed it to be genuine and a source of happiness. But I was wrong. Gradually and consistently, I was drawn into a cycle of sinful actions that are challenging to articulate.

Now I am 25, it took me 10 years to realize that I was trapped, and only when I was betrayed, rejected, and burdened. My tears are overflowing, and the pain is piercing.

It was noon, even though the sun was hot and shining outside, I felt surrounded by darkness.

Are there any prospects for my future? Questions arose in my mind. How will I face people? I feel ashamed. Is there anyone who can free me from this darkness and bring light into my life?

Turning my face towards the window, I slowly opened it. It's nearly 7 in the evening. The sun has set, and darkness is beginning to take over. I closed my eyes, tears falling onto my lips. But my ears remain open.

A gentle breeze brushed against my face, carrying a message with it. It was the sound of a loudspeaker from a nearby Church. The vibrations conveyed,

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm,therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.

You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth?

For you were called to freedom.  Walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."

These words resonated in my mind, echoing from every corner of my room.

It was hard to believe, but I could feel the rope slowly loosening. The sense of relief was palpable. I felt empowered and liberated.

The hands on the clock pointed to 9 A.M.

Despite the growing darkness outside, a spark ignited within me. Its intensity grew, illuminating my surroundings and captivating my eyes.

"I'm free, I'm free!" I exclaimed, reminiscing about the days of my youth when I walked in the light, faithfully obeying God. But when I succumbed to my desires of the flesh, I strayed from the path. I knelt down and prayed seeking guidance and discipline. For if we live by Spirit, let us also walk by Spirit.

This is Kate writing to you... Read Galatians 5.

Special Mention: Ester Zulu, Zambia

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  1. I love the storyline very interesting!

    1. Thankyou. Let us be a blessing for you.

    2. It is timely on my side. Today afternoon someone told me that he has never loved me and that I should not think of him having a relationship with him. I have been so hurt and disappointed but I know Jesus is near.

    3. God's word is doing it's purpose. Thankyou for sharing your testimony.
      May God be with you and guide you. Let God loosen all the ropes of the world and tighten you with His love.
      Praying for you beloved.

  2. Well written. May God's name be glorified through you

    1. Thank God.
      Thankyou so much for your time and feedback. God bless you.


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