
Victory succeeding a war has resulted in establishing kingdoms on this earth. This is not breaking news but history for the generations. Victory is proclaimed when the enemy is destroyed. Moreover, victory is the result of overcoming the opponent.

Can you take a second to imagine the scenario of a battlefield where weapons are used like gadgets; blood is shed like flowing water; the focus is to let fall and the target is to conquer.

The life of a human is well related to a battlefield, a war between heart and mind. The plans in mind are great but the desires of the heart are flitty; the goal in mind is to achieve yet the thoughts of the heart are to misspend. Crooked is the heart where deceitful plans are organized and transpire as displeased actions.

Have you ever wanted to go back to some time in your past life and overcome the displeasing desires that turned into actions which are destroying you at present? Unfortunately, it's not possible.

Destruction is not a one-day event, it requires a detailed plan, a clever strategy and an accountable time. It may even lead to continuous downfalls. Overcoming is the only option left.

The War Within

Often the desires of the heart hinder an individual to do what he intended. This is because of the war that is happening within. "For the desires of the flesh(heart) are against the desires of Spirit(mind), as they are opposed to each other".

Desires of flesh results in sin, while desires of Spirit are peace and love. Sin destroys lives but love builds lives.

Who is winning the battle within you each day? It's the flesh or spirit? The answer to the above question reveals whether life is victorious or defeated.

Is your spirit getting defeated in the battle within you for days, months or even years? Are you still struggling to overcome lustful passions? Are you trapped in a regrettable habit that's destroying you?

Here is a good news for you.

Victory Declared

Your victory over destruction is already declared. Yes, the Bible says in 1 corinthians 15:57, ''but thanks to be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus declared victory on the cross. The only way to attain a right standing before God and live a life of victory over sin.

All you need to do is to direct your focus on the conqueror, the Christ. Listen to what the Spirit says; Allow Holy Spirit to work with your spirit and you will not be destroyed but you will be built up.

Remember, you are no more a sheep to be slaughtered, you are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you.

So what's your target? To let yourself fall to the world or to conquer it through Christ?

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  1. That's a good word and well written. The warfare is real and we need encouragement to fight the good fight.

  2. Dear Bobby Sparks.
    Thankyou for your time.
    Yes it is, Let you be encouraged in fighting the good fight.
    God bless you.


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