
Life is an actual survival. Though we say we live our lives; to all intents and purposes it is that we survive.

Going to bed means surviving a day tomorrow, Working hard means surviving the inflation in the economy, and Consuming healthy foods means surviving the contaminated atmosphere. Every single second of life, a man survives.
Through my words, I would like to depict a picture of a seed that survived.
A few days before, I wanted to add some fertilizer to my plants to strengthen them so that it gives beautiful blooms. To do so, I first have to dry the fertilizer in the sunlight and then have to coarse-grain it. The final process is to blend it with the soil hitting it well using a rod. When all is done it is ready to add to the pots.
A couple of days later, I noticed a small sprout germinating in all the pots. There was no trace of a seed’s existence when the course of action on the fertilizer was taken. As a matter of fact, the seed tolerated the process and still survived for it to find an opportunity to sprout out. Survival indeed is an array of opportunities.

Now, what does opportunity certainly mean in our lives? Are they plentiful around you? Does every door open for you on your way?
Opportunities are not good chances that appear to be appealing; something that brings you good luck. Opportunities are what you are and what you are provided with.
The seed didn’t wait for a satisfying opportunity to sprout out. All it was given is to share a pot, a little water and sunlight. Such an unconsiderable sprout accepted those opportunities, though not provided to itself but for the plant that was already in the pot.
Are you not given a single amenity? Are you not supplied with elementary belongings? Are the necessary entities unprocurable for you?
Mankind is infused with the nature to always complain about what he doesn’t have rather than to focus on what he actually possesses. This makes survival harder.
Quoting from 1 Peter 1:3, "For God’s divine power has bestowed on us absolutely everything necessary for life and godliness".

It’s evident that God has provided as per our needs, neither more nor less both for our social and spiritual life. So instead of expressing our dissatisfaction with what’s lacking; press on with what you have. This makes survival easier.

Count Your Blessings; Regard Your Possessing; Keep Flourishing.

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