

When I was around 20 years old, I lived in a house on the second floor of the building. The building was on the corner where the streets intersect. This is a spot where various happenings can be captured by the eyes' lens. Let me picturize what was captured on the spot every evening. Evening, a perfect time to withdraw or return. There is a school near my house and when it is evening, the sound of the school bell makes the students dismiss, returning to their homes. Minutes later, employees from various workplaces return home. Evening, a perfect time to terminate. Whatever was initiated at the start of the day must be either fully or partially brought to an end. The systems are shut down marking the end of the day; machines are stopped and shutters are closed. Because it's evening. On the other side, the yellowish rays from the sun turn grey marking the dusk.  Evening, a perfect time to experience a semi-darkness, neither bright nor with the glow of artificial light. Vision bec


      An Imaginary Reflection Story It is Kate who is writing this. That was the darkest day, everything was black and blur. The darkness made the path invisible. Where will I go now? What will be my next move? Ah! I am so confused, scared, and worried. It's as if I'm tightly tied up and I want to break free, but I can't as the rope is stronger than me. It all began when I was fifteen when I formed a friendship with a guy who enticed me into a world of sin. I believed it to be genuine and a source of happiness. But I was wrong. Gradually and consistently, I was drawn into a cycle of sinful actions that are challenging to articulate. Now I am 25, it took me 10 years to realize that I was trapped, and only when I was betrayed, rejected, and burdened. My tears are overflowing, and the pain is piercing. It was noon, even though the sun was hot and shining outside, I felt surrounded by darkness. Are there any prospects for my future? Questions arose in my mind. How will I face p


  That was a day when all of the family members were gathered for a particular event. The house is filled with people of all ages. The voices of each group overwhelmed the other group, and that of kids ranked high. No secret place was left without people. Though most of their conversations are in fact unproductive, they believed that they made their day. They had only a day left to disperse and so everyone wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. All of a sudden, they could recognize a disgusting smell somewhere inside the house. It seemed to be the smell of smoke. Something is burning, that if unnoticed could lead to danger. Rushing towards the direction of the smell, they not found an electric heater that remained on for hours and it started burning. Thankfully it was spotted sooner than it would hoist an effect. On a quick investigation, it was been revealed that someone forgot to switch it off and with heavy exposure to electricity the heater started to burn. Thus the word 'forgot


  The world today is moving towards independency, individuals today want to be individuals without including other individuals in their path, acknowledging themselves as independent. Humans are well pleased to be renowned with the tag, " I'm independent ". But in fact, human life is not designed so. Those who believe that they are independent are not growing the crops for their food, neither gathering the clouds that rain nor collecting the air for them to breathe. Of course, an individual should depend to lead their life on this planet earth. 'Our World in Date', a data research organization in one of their article stated that the rise of one-person households among adults nearly doubled in the past 50 years. It's more prominent among developed nations and the trend outspread all across the globe. In a research article, Prof. Michael J. Rosefold from Standford University points out that it was at the onset of World War-II, the pattern of family setup began to


Victory succeeding a war has resulted in establishing kingdoms on this earth. This is not breaking news but history for the generations. Victory is proclaimed when the enemy is destroyed. Moreover, victory is the result of overcoming the opponent. Can you take a second to imagine the scenario of a battlefield where weapons are used like gadgets; blood is shed like flowing water; the focus is to let fall and the target is to conquer. The life of a human is well related to a battlefield, a war between heart and mind. The plans in mind are great but the desires of the heart are flitty; the goal in mind is to achieve yet the thoughts of the heart are to misspend. Crooked is the heart where deceitful plans are organized and transpire as displeased actions. Have you ever wanted to go back to some time in your past life and overcome the displeasing desires that turned into actions which are destroying you at present? Unfortunately, it's not possible. Destruction is not a one-day event, it


Life is an actual survival. Though we say we live our lives; to all intents and purposes it is that we survive. Going to bed means surviving a day tomorrow, Working hard means surviving the inflation in the economy, and Consuming healthy foods means surviving the contaminated atmosphere. Every single second of life, a man survives. Through my words,  I would like to depict a picture of a seed that survived. A few days before, I wanted to add some fertilizer to my plants to strengthen them so that it gives beautiful blooms. To do so, I first have to dry the fertilizer in the sunlight and then have to coarse-grain it. The final process is to blend it with the soil hitting it well using a rod. When all is done it is ready to add to the pots. A couple of days later, I noticed a small sprout germinating in all the pots. There was no trace of a seed’s existence when the course of action on the fertilizer was taken. As a matter of fact, the seed tolerated the process and still survived for it


  In the igen(internet generation) era, we come across various trending words on the internet each day. The recent past had thus given a burgeon to some English words commonly called as hashtags. The feeders of web browsers, the hashtags are well connected with the life of humans even though it merges psychology and business. In such a way, throwback is a hashtag that is gaining popularity. Posts are fuelled with this tagline often to relate to a past incident. But the actual synonym of the word throwback as a noun is something that has the same feature as the past. It's not the past just recalled. Actually, when we repost our old pictures with the hashtag #throwback, the one thing that we could realize is ''the change". We are no more the past self in appearance and maturity. Recently, my friend told me that she had a friend suggestion on her Facebook account. Unfortunately, the Facebook algorithm suggested connecting with herself. Yes, that's her own old account


  Life will hit us with new problems. On our daily path, we may encounter ragged roads, broken bridges, dirty ditches, or even tough tracks.  Often in our lives, certainty descends down the ladder and uncertainty climbs up. Sorrows may overcome happiness, misconception may surpass understanding, and confusion may overtake clear directions. We may like to skip this period of uncertainty in which the answer couldn't be found. But let me tell you there is a great significance for the phase of confusion in our lives. Have you ever realized its significance in depth? I encourage you to focus on it. The Phenomenon of 3-day Uncertainty Do you know that just 3 days of uncertainty resulted in reproductive and remarkable transformations in history? Yes, a 3-day stay inside the digestive tract of a fish reproduced an obedient Jonah, whom God used to save a mighty nation. A 3-day practice as a blind transformed Saul into Paul, the pioneer of the gospel to various cities. The title 'Defende


   Have you ever had shackles on your hands? Have you ever chained your hands with another person so that you can't move on your own, can't run, eat, or even join your own hands to experience yourself?  A few days back, I got to go to my college. I was supposed to take a town bus to reach the destination. On my way, there was a railway crossing. Vehicles stop in their way for the train to pass by. None is ready to face a crash, right? There was a large crowd of people with the horn sound of vehicles beeping all around. Looking out of the window, I could see a few people crossing the road. They were pairs, in which one was not free to move or take directions. They had shackles on their hands that were being held by the policeman standing next to them.  Lifting my eyes, I could notice a jail building behind them. Since the town was not that familiar to me, I was not aware of jail being there. It seemed like there was a shift in place for the prisoners. As it took a few more minut

Know Your Inner Circle

The ideology of the inner circle An inner circle is a good ideology. Listening to people nowadays, they are ready to open up and be transparent to anyone whom they meet. They connect through social networks and build trust very quickly that may or may not fade very soon. People are very interested in expanding their circle, starting from the Facebook friends count to the number of persons in the contact list. But Bible focuses on a remnant group of people whom God wanted. And Jesus uses this ideology of inner circle to teach a great lesson. Jesus' Inner Circle Jesus cleverly used this ideology of inner circle in accomplishing His mission on this earth. His circle consists of 12 disciples among them He chooses 3 to build the inner circle.  The inner circle of Jesus had Peter, James, and John in it whom He had with him during intimate occasions. During the event of  a girl's  resurrection, at the transfiguration and while spending His very last few hours on this earth. Have you e