

Rewinding back to our school days, filled with fun and joy, where we grew up without much pressure about tomorrow. The one unpleasant phase of our school days would be the days of examinations. I still remember the mornings of our board exam days. We had to move to another school near ours, where students from various other schools gathered. The last few minutes before the examination depict a memorable scene that still flashes back in my mind. Students wearing different colored uniforms but sharing the same serious expressions. We rushed with anxiety, recalling what we had learned earlier, running here and there, raising dust like smoke, creating the effect of a battleground. Suddenly, when the bell rang, the acceleration dropped to zero as we all entered the exam hall, leaving behind our study materials but carrying the anxiety within. Now, it's again a remarkable moment where, for a minute, the exam hall turns into a prayer hall. Combined prayers are raised, with all of them sha

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  There is no handwork or effort to create a shadow. They come in every size and shape based on the object or person that is reflected. Shadows are not standalone entities, they need a solid object or living being along with a reflection source, the light. While going through some interesting facts about shadows, there is proof that shadows are evidence that light travels in a straight line.  Several fascinating straight structures in the world gained attention. One among them is The Straight Line Project which has parallel insights. Neom Project also known as 'The Line' is accounted to be the future of urban living initiated by the Saudi Arabian Government. The area stretches across 170 km in a straight line in the desert valley. It is estimated to accommodate 9 million people. It promises to tackle the challenges of urban life today and implement innovative ways for relaxed urban living. The line project shines as a light that attracts several businesses to invest in it. It w


  Baltimore Bridge, the 3rd longest bridge in the world collapsed within less than 3 seconds on March 26,2023. This was placed as the highlighted news in the media for the final week of March. That's a massive container ship, Dalli that hit one of the piers of the gigantic bridge. It was reported that the ship faced a complete blackout when the collision was about to happen. The video recording of the happening reveals that, though the lights were back when the ship hit the bridge, the crew lost focus. In 1025 BC, the History Book of Israel records an interesting character, a small shepherd boy who once went to the battlefield to see his brothers who had been serving in the King's army. While he was searching for his brothers in the crowd, suddenly his focus turned to an enemy from the opposing nation a 6 feet man who hails that no one can defeat him. Everyone in the army is afraid of the giant and none is ready to stand in front of him. But the young shepherd boy moved to the


  Gardening is an art. Little blooms or an inch of growth, small sprouts mean a lot to those who are fond of gardening. Indeed, the beauty of sparks of morning sunlight touching the soft velvet petals of the colourful flowers in the garden depicts the results of those little efforts laid by the gardener. It has often brightened my days. However, gardening entails more than just beauty; it involves the behind-the-scenes actions that contribute to such colourful blooms. It includes potting, watering, fertilizing, proper placing, and most importantly, pruning. The process of pruning is less noticed, but it plays a vital role in the growing of plants. Pruning is the action of removing certain weaker parts of plants that hinder growth by absorbing energy and wasting it. In other words, pruning stimulates faster growth. Often e-commerce sites come up with stunning stock clearance sale ads that catch customers' attention. The main ideology behind stock clearance sales is to clear old inve


  Results are showcased, it may be an achievement, a gain or a completion. Often we are eager to know the results, sometimes we rush up to see it earlier than it actually happens. In the long run for our ears to hear and our eyes to see the final outcome, there is a process. Recently, the media aligned a camp in Himalayan Uttarakhand state where a group of miners got trapped in a collapsed tunnel. Several technical steps were taken to rescue them but the rat hole miners did the job. The process was not that easy as it took around 17 days to see a positive result. The group of workers who were catching their breath had one option left. It was to believe the undergoing process outside. They patiently waited trusting the process and thus became a part of a good result in magazines and newspapers. Process the key to the result is often less focused. We tend to rush to see the future result at present and thus miss the actual process we are in. This creates chaos and pressure that will not


  Instagram, is one of the widely used social media platforms nowadays. Blazing with its colourful logo, occupies our notifications every day. At least we may receive content on Instagram from that one friend who uses our chat space as Dropbox. Sometimes, we might receive messages from random people that were grouped under the category "hidden". This might be quite normal.  Investigating why some of the requests from random people are under this category and why others are not, this is what I came to know from search engine results. Certain message requests that are out of the ordinary as analyzed by the algorithm based on hidden word preferences will appear in a separate hidden request folder. Notifications were not received for these messages. Ignored and not in focus, thus hidden. Usually, people hide things that are not presentable, unrecognized and unworthy. Things that will not gain much attention. I recently came across a short video clip posted on Instagram that was a


When I was around 20 years old, I lived in a house on the second floor of the building. The building was on the corner where the streets intersect. This is a spot where various happenings can be captured by the eyes' lens. Let me picturize what was captured on the spot every evening. Evening, a perfect time to withdraw or return. There is a school near my house and when it is evening, the sound of the school bell makes the students dismiss, returning to their homes. Minutes later, employees from various workplaces return home. Evening, a perfect time to terminate. Whatever was initiated at the start of the day must be either fully or partially brought to an end. The systems are shut down marking the end of the day; machines are stopped and shutters are closed. Because it's evening. On the other side, the yellowish rays from the sun turn grey marking the dusk.  Evening, a perfect time to experience a semi-darkness, neither bright nor with the glow of artificial light. Vision bec


      An Imaginary Reflection Story It is Kate who is writing this. That was the darkest day, everything was black and blur. The darkness made the path invisible. Where will I go now? What will be my next move? Ah! I am so confused, scared, and worried. It's as if I'm tightly tied up and I want to break free, but I can't as the rope is stronger than me. It all began when I was fifteen when I formed a friendship with a guy who enticed me into a world of sin. I believed it to be genuine and a source of happiness. But I was wrong. Gradually and consistently, I was drawn into a cycle of sinful actions that are challenging to articulate. Now I am 25, it took me 10 years to realize that I was trapped, and only when I was betrayed, rejected, and burdened. My tears are overflowing, and the pain is piercing. It was noon, even though the sun was hot and shining outside, I felt surrounded by darkness. Are there any prospects for my future? Questions arose in my mind. How will I face p


  That was a day when all of the family members were gathered for a particular event. The house is filled with people of all ages. The voices of each group overwhelmed the other group, and that of kids ranked high. No secret place was left without people. Though most of their conversations are in fact unproductive, they believed that they made their day. They had only a day left to disperse and so everyone wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. All of a sudden, they could recognize a disgusting smell somewhere inside the house. It seemed to be the smell of smoke. Something is burning, that if unnoticed could lead to danger. Rushing towards the direction of the smell, they not found an electric heater that remained on for hours and it started burning. Thankfully it was spotted sooner than it would hoist an effect. On a quick investigation, it was been revealed that someone forgot to switch it off and with heavy exposure to electricity the heater started to burn. Thus the word 'forgot


  The world today is moving towards independency, individuals today want to be individuals without including other individuals in their path, acknowledging themselves as independent. Humans are well pleased to be renowned with the tag, " I'm independent ". But in fact, human life is not designed so. Those who believe that they are independent are not growing the crops for their food, neither gathering the clouds that rain nor collecting the air for them to breathe. Of course, an individual should depend to lead their life on this planet earth. 'Our World in Date', a data research organization in one of their article stated that the rise of one-person households among adults nearly doubled in the past 50 years. It's more prominent among developed nations and the trend outspread all across the globe. In a research article, Prof. Michael J. Rosefold from Standford University points out that it was at the onset of World War-II, the pattern of family setup began to


Victory succeeding a war has resulted in establishing kingdoms on this earth. This is not breaking news but history for the generations. Victory is proclaimed when the enemy is destroyed. Moreover, victory is the result of overcoming the opponent. Can you take a second to imagine the scenario of a battlefield where weapons are used like gadgets; blood is shed like flowing water; the focus is to let fall and the target is to conquer. The life of a human is well related to a battlefield, a war between heart and mind. The plans in mind are great but the desires of the heart are flitty; the goal in mind is to achieve yet the thoughts of the heart are to misspend. Crooked is the heart where deceitful plans are organized and transpire as displeased actions. Have you ever wanted to go back to some time in your past life and overcome the displeasing desires that turned into actions which are destroying you at present? Unfortunately, it's not possible. Destruction is not a one-day event, it


Life is an actual survival. Though we say we live our lives; to all intents and purposes it is that we survive. Going to bed means surviving a day tomorrow, Working hard means surviving the inflation in the economy, and Consuming healthy foods means surviving the contaminated atmosphere. Every single second of life, a man survives. Through my words,  I would like to depict a picture of a seed that survived. A few days before, I wanted to add some fertilizer to my plants to strengthen them so that it gives beautiful blooms. To do so, I first have to dry the fertilizer in the sunlight and then have to coarse-grain it. The final process is to blend it with the soil hitting it well using a rod. When all is done it is ready to add to the pots. A couple of days later, I noticed a small sprout germinating in all the pots. There was no trace of a seed’s existence when the course of action on the fertilizer was taken. As a matter of fact, the seed tolerated the process and still survived for it


  In the igen(internet generation) era, we come across various trending words on the internet each day. The recent past had thus given a burgeon to some English words commonly called as hashtags. The feeders of web browsers, the hashtags are well connected with the life of humans even though it merges psychology and business. In such a way, throwback is a hashtag that is gaining popularity. Posts are fuelled with this tagline often to relate to a past incident. But the actual synonym of the word throwback as a noun is something that has the same feature as the past. It's not the past just recalled. Actually, when we repost our old pictures with the hashtag #throwback, the one thing that we could realize is ''the change". We are no more the past self in appearance and maturity. Recently, my friend told me that she had a friend suggestion on her Facebook account. Unfortunately, the Facebook algorithm suggested connecting with herself. Yes, that's her own old account